
‪(646) 770-3479‬



Port Washington, NY

We bought a used sail boat during the objectively terrible year of 2020. As a lifelong sailor, it was a dream come true. Immediately we found joy in a world where it was scarce. Freedom during isolation. Beauty in struggling times.

This was not something to keep to ourselves.

So, having never run our own business, we started Calliope Sailing to share sailing with others. Anyone can sail. The wind is capricious, but never prejudiced. The rising tide floats all boats. And as far as we’re concerned, the lessons and love of sailing should not be the possessions of a lucky few, but a prize for all who look upon the water and dream.

Whether you are looking for adventure, a mini-vacation, a special event, or want to learn and experience something new, Calliope Sailing is here to introduce sailing to all.

Welcome aboard!